The Importance of Primer

Primer can help your makeup come a long way, especially on these hot summer days. Lately the weather has been reaching such high temperatures, that makeup feels as if it’s about to melt right off. In times like these primer makes a difference. It works by creating a base for your makeup; filling in fine line and wrinkles. By applying some underneath your makeup, it will help makeup go on smoother and stay on longer.

Victoria’s Secret Pro Airbrush FX Face Primer ($14) is actually a steal when compared to other top primers like MAC ($25) and Smashbox ($36). The formula is silky smooth, almost like petroleum jelly but not as thick. One pump (dime size or less) is good for the entire face, and makeup really does last longer on your skin. All that and it has an SPF 20, major plus.

Tip* Apply an astringent like Biore’s Triple Action Astringent (before primer) for super smooth, clean skin. After applying primer, let it sit on your skin for a minute or two and then continue with makeup application.

2 Steps to Clearer Skin

The heat causes us to sweat more and all that dirt clogs our skin. No one wants to deal with breakouts ever; but even less during the summer. The Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser paired with Biore’s Triple Action Astringent ($7.99) is a duo that won’t disappoint. Unlike other astringents, Biore’s doesn’t dry your face out. It has less alcohol than others, but is just as effective. You’ll notice a difference in you face in days, and blemishes will starts to go away.

Refresh Your Face and Clear Your Skin

Temperatures are rising and if you’re not in a pool or in an air-conditioned room; it’s getting to you. After you get home from a long hot day try washing your face to cool off. Biore’s Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser ($7.00) leaves your face feeling incredibly refreshed afterwards. Using this daily will keep you cool and your skin clear. This facial wash is oil-free and Salicylic Acid is the main ingredient.

Click here for more information on Salicylic Acid and how it helps with blemishes.

Get The Gunk Out

You’re taking care of your skin and drinking plenty of water, yet the pores on your nose are still clogged. Sometimes all of the exfoliating and washing of our faces doesn’t seem to be enough. It’s important to know why our pores get clogged in the first place. Our skin produces a Sebum, which is an oily mixture that’s actually good for the skin. It keeps it healthy and feeling soft. It can however become a problem when dead skin cells attach to the sebum and clog your pores. This usually happens to those of us with oilier skin, but it can also happen when you apply lotion to your face. Our faces our more sensitive than the rest of our bodies and can’t handle the thickness of lotions. Applying a light moisturizer or serum can prevent clogged pores. Touching our faces too much and sweating can also clog pores.
Don’t freak out there is something you can do at home to unclog those bad boys. I love using Biore’s Nose Strips. The strips are placed on your nose and dampened with water. After 10 to 15 minutes you remove it and will be amazed by the results. You can actually see the dirt and blackheads that have been removed from your nose on the strip. Continue this routine once or twice weekly and soon you’ll be seeing less and less gunk on the nose strips. Biore also makes the same type of strips for your forehead. If you think your clogged pores are more serious check out OnlineAcneRelief for more solutions.
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to use the nose strips or just want to check if you’re doing it right check out Biore’s website for a step by step video.